Again I write as I promised I always would once yearly upon your day of entry to life and exit to the unknown.
As you can tell, we are in homeless once again. Seems our tri-yearly, mandatory move always falls upon Your birthday or your Brothers' birthdays. That's ok, Dad and I are trained professionals in the way of preparing for birthdays on the fly, Army moves, and other such fly by night/by the seat of your pants occasions. We have landed gracefully upon Kansas soil. Our temporary home (as you can see) is a historic flat, this building was the 1st EVER Fort Riley Post Exchange. Many have passed through these doors, the old souls here have probably cried a few tears here as well not unlike your emotional Momma.
My lucky number has always been 7. Dad and I were married on the 7th. Kalvin was born in the 7th month. Our last two address' have had two 7's in them. Along with other random tid bits of 7 throughout my life.
Today is your 7th birthday, Happy Birthday Littlest Son!
Momma hopes beyond hope that this year, your 7th year, will bring us good fortune, good health, and good times. I need you now more than ever, Karter. I need you to give me that strength you blessed me with. I need that strength to get through the gauntlet of health issues without giving up. I love you Littlest Son but I don't want to leave behind Dad and your big brothers anytime soon. As much as I'd like to be reunited with you, I'm very much so needed here. Please return the strength you've given me to fight for my rights as a patient, as a woman, and as chronically ill person. Thank you, Littlest Son.
Happy 7th Birthday, Karter! We love you.
Your 7th year, 7 years with you in our hearts. We love and miss you.
This year has brought us loss and grief. I take comfort in knowing you are there to usher in our family members to the afterlife. I'm glad you finally get to meet them. If you could, please relay these messages to them. To Aunt Cindy, thank you for being a amazing role model as a strong woman, for showing me creativity is beautiful, and I love you. To Grandma Lola, thank you for always being a ray of sunshine and full of love, every time I see a butterfly or cardinal I think of you. Thank you and I love you. To Grandpa Gradolph, thank you for spoiling me rotten in my early years, for taking me on my first plane ride, and for affording me the privilege of living in the Bahamas, I love you. I learned a valuable lesson this year which was to always tell those you love how much they mean to you. We never know when the last time will actually be the last.
I love you, Karter. Happy Birthday.
Love Always,
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